Claife Parish Council Website imageof wise een tarn

Claife Parish Council website - News and Events

United Utilities - Ground Investigation Works
United Utilities will be starting Ground Investigation works at Near Sawrey from Monday 29th July.  Map of area involved.
Westmorland and Furness Council - Leisure & Active Well-being Survey
WFC Leisure & Active well-being survey
Review of leisure provision with a view to reshaping these facilities and services to meet the needs of our local communities. Through public consultation they would like to seek your views. Link to survey:
Two Temporary Road Closures in Claife Parish - Fibrus works
C5021 & U5025 (Colthouse) - 6th August for 2 days
(i) C5021 from its junction with Loanthwaite Lane extending in a south westerly direction for approx. 1.2km
(ii) U5025 from its junction with the C5021 extending in a south westerly direction for approx. 200m; and from its junction with the C5021 extending in a south easterly direction for approx. 190m.
C5021 (High Wray) - 8th August for 4 days
C5021 will be closed from its junction with the B5286 then south-easterly/south for 3.8 km.  Pedestrian and dismounted cycle access will be maintained as well as for emergency vehicles.     One Network: 

Parish Councillor Vacancy

A vacancy has arisen in the Lower Ward of Claife following the resignation of Parish Councillor Katie Keighley.  An election will  be held if 10 electors request this within 14 working days of 17th July 2024 or if not then the vacancy will be filled by co-option.  Notice of Election.

United Utilities Reports

Representatives from United Utilities attended the April 2024 Parish Council meeting and have provided copies of their reports relating to Lake Windermere Feasibility Study and Near Sawrey Treatment Works.  Documents available to download:

Feasibility Study - Windermere Discharge Options  

Near Sawrey - Better Rivers

525 Bus Service Return

The 525 Mountain Goat Bus Service - Ferrry Landing/Hill Top/Hawkshead/Hill Top/Ferry Landing - will operate between 18th March and 3rd November 2024.  Link to Timetable.

Unitary Councillor Surgeries

Unitary Councillor Suzanne Pender holds monthly surgeries within her Ward.  Residents are welcome to go along and raise issues of local concern with Suzanne.

Drop In Surgery details

Big Windermere Survey

The results of the February 2024 Survey and earlier surveys are available through the Freshwater Biological Association. The results of the May 2024 are yet to be released.  The next survey will be in September 2024.

Environment Agency Water Quality Monitoring


The Environment Agency have now installed several sondes to measure water quality around the Windermere catchment. The real-time monitoring results are available on a public site Hydrology Data Explorer - Explore  The Environment Agency are monitoring the results and will interrogate any unusual readings. Please note that the Brathay sonde has not yet been deployed.   
Claife Parish Council Grants Policy
The Parish Council considers grant applications from local community organisations.  The Policy and Application Form are available to download: Claife PC Grants Policy & Application Form, or alternatively can be requested from the Parish Clerk.
Windermere Ferry Replacement Consultation - Update

Cumbria County Council were developing plans to replace the current Windermere Ferry across Lake Windermere.

Claife Parish Council submitted a considered response to the Consultation - Claife PC Consultation Response.

An initial public information and presentation event took place in Windermere on 7th June 2022 and a further one in Hawkshead on 23rd June 2022.

 A copy of the presentation is available here: Presentation

Lake District National Park - South Lakes Distinctive Area

This includes details about Claife Community Bridlepath

C5028 High Cunsey Bridge

The weight restriction of 7.5 tonnes continues to be in place at High Cunsey Bridge until engineering works take place at a future date. 


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